How Can A Small Business Reach People In A Community
There are various community platforms that small businesses can use to reach people, such as social media, podcasts, meetups, and workshops. Although the platforms may differ in their uses and purposes, the approach to reaching out can be similar.
A small business must first identify its target audience and the community they belong to (e.g., Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Craigslist, local events, etc.). Once these factors are identified, the business can propose reaching out to them. The purpose of reaching out is to recognize the benefits that these groups bring to the community and offer to add more value to those benefits. For instance, you can send a direct message to a member of the Entrepreneur Facebook Group, thanking them for their efforts to improve entrepreneurship and informing them that you can contribute value through your problem-solving skills and the products or services you offer on your website. You can also ask to participate in upcoming events, whether it's through keynote speaking, attendance, or an online webinar meetup. This is an opportunity for small business owners to connect with people and actively deliver value at zero cost.
Word-of-mouth marketing is the cheapest and most effective way for a small business to gain more leads and customers.